This anthology is a companion volume to my superficial and unscientific zoological memoir of the same title. Half of the stories will be mine, a mix of previously published and unpublished animal themed stories. I'm looking for stories to add to the collection which is scheduled for publication in the first half of 2022.
The stories must be mainly about animals, or feature animal characters in starring roles. I love anthropomorphism. Here are the specifics:
- 500-5000 words
- any genre except Erotica and LGBT
- mainstream
- electronic submissions only
- reprints and simultaneous subs also okay
- if accepted for publication you will paid royalties on a percentage basis based on the word count of your contribution.
- payment via Paypal
- I will respond to you within a month (often much faster) and provide feedback.
- I prefer Ariel or Calibri 12 point
- text aligned to the left
- space between paragraphs
- send your story to
- send it as an attachment (MS Word preferred)
- write a cover letter in the body of your email, stating title and word count of story, your contact details and if requesting a reprint, details of previous publication.
- also required in cover letter is a short bio. Max. 100 words.